Dial up your integrated marketing strategy

How Aimtal helped 3CLogic increase revenue and engage leads at every stage of the funnel


From service desks to contact centers, the departments that provide customer support are critical to an organization’s success.

Unfortunately, they’re also plagued with inefficiency and high costs that stem from legacy systems and using too many tools that don’t integrate with one another. This was before COVID-19 swept the globe.

According to a survey from Pindrop, call volumes surged as much as 800% above normal levels during the pandemic. This increased demand also contributed to rises in agent attrition that remain today. In fact, a CCW Digital study reveals that 33% of contact leaders say high turnover is one of their biggest pain points. 

Cloud contact center platform 3CLogic was poised to help address these challenges with their voice solutions that meaningfully integrate with leading systems of record, such as ServiceNow, SAP, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics. As a rapidly growing company and a leading ServiceNow integration partner, 3CLogic’s superior products were quickly generating wins for customers of all sizes. Where they needed support, however, was effectively using these wins to stand out in an already crowded market. 

3CLogic was seeking a marketing partner to help explain the common problems they solve and effectively grow their customer base. They chose Aimtal to not only help them better reach their target audiences, but also to provide education about the benefits of their solution. Many would-be customers simply didn’t understand the cost savings they could reap with integrated voice and SMS workflows.

Aimtal’s first task was to address an immediate need: updating 3CLogic’s key website pages to include relevant keywords and messaging that would serve as the foundation for educating prospects. Next, Aimtal began assisting with event promotions, upgrading key web pages, targeted advertising, and email nurture campaigns.

What started as a relatively small agreement became a key partnership. Thanks to continual collaboration with 3CLogic, Aimtal was able to develop a full-fledged integrated marketing strategy that positioned 3CLogic for both near-term and long-term success.


Recognizing the critical need for product education in the customer journey

Aimtal began by conducting discovery conversations and competitor research to gain a deep understanding of 3CLogic’s target customers. From there, Aimtal worked with 3CLogic’s sales team to learn about bottlenecks in their lead funnel and began crafting tactics that could help. A key part of this was recognizing that prospective customers needed a significant amount of education about the value that 3CLogic could provide. 

Aimtal took action toward this challenge with a combination of content optimization, case studies, paid ads, emails, lead management, social media marketing, webinar execution, and event promotions. Taken together, each of these efforts ensured 3CLogic was reaching and engaging with prospects throughout every phase of the funnel.

Aimtal is a smart, creative, strategic team you can depend on: they get it done. After working closely with Aimtal for more than three years, I came to see them as a seamless extension of our team. They have a deep understanding of our product, messaging, and goals — and they deliver top-notch content and strategies that help us grow.”

Guillaume Seynhaeve, VP of Marketing and Alliances, 3CLogic

2021-2023 results

doubled average deal size
marketing-influenced pipeline
doubled average customer revenue
growth of email marketing audiences
growth in website traffic
case study downloads
increase in social media engagement rate
increase in social media followers
increase in total keyword rankings

Driving brand awareness and lead generation with digital and in-person event marketing

Events aren’t just about general networking, especially among the ServiceNow community. These attendees are hungry to expand their knowledge and discover new ways to streamline their operations. For 3CLogic, this meant ServiceNow’s tentpole events posed a huge opportunity to increase brand awareness and drive growth. 

Aimtal focused on three distinct areas: promotion, lead generation, and real-time engagement. For promotion, Aimtal leveraged digital marketing, including ads, emails, and organic social content, to drive both brand awareness and event registrations.

Aimtal also helped 3CLogic capitalize on the excitement surrounding ServiceNow events to generate leads via landing pages that included giveaways. Prospects were also given the opportunity to schedule a demo with 3CLogic’s sales team. 

Due to the nature of online conventions, and because there are so many presentations and exhibitors at ServiceNow events, 3CLogic needed to come prepared with engaging content to effectively nurture leads. Aimtal supported 3CLogic in this by building slide decks that told compelling stories and creating sell sheets that the 3CLogic sales team could disseminate to prospective customers in real time, both digitally and, once pandemic-era restrictions were lifted and these events returned to physical spaces, in-person. 

Aimtal’s holistic event strategy drove attendance and interest in 3CLogic products to boot. 


Moving prospects through the funnel with webinars

There’s no question that webinars are among the most valuable formats for engaging with middle-of-the-funnel customers. Knowing just how much education target audiences need at this phase, 3CLogic identified key topics to focus on. From there, Aimtal built a process for creating, optimizing, and promoting webinars on these topics — ensuring each webinar was highly engaging, well-branded, and well-attended by 3CLogic’s target prospects.

Beyond simply helping to formulate the webinar concepts, Aimtal also crafted overarching storylines, presentation decks, social media posts, and promotional emails. This holistic approach helped to ensure high attendance rates and engagement even beyond the event.

Webinars are now a core part of 3CLogic’s marketing strategy and have proven to be essential for educating their target audience about everything 3CLogic has to offer.



Enhancing discoverability with website and blog optimization

Knowing they needed to have an information-rich website that provided key education, 3CLogic looked to collaborate with Aimtal on how to update their web pages and effectively tell their story. These pages needed new visuals that more accurately reflected what the product was like and copy that was both optimized for search engines and easy for readers to understand. They also hoped to reach a broader audience with their blog content.

Aimtal made use of SEO research, compelling imagery, clear language, and a thorough understanding of the topics that resonate with contact center leaders — attrition, legacy systems, customer experience improvement, and more — to optimize 3CLogic’s website.

This approach enabled Aimtal to update key web pages and populate the 3CLogic blog with new content, both of which provided the type of education prospects were seeking.


Leveraging powerful social proof through case studies

Today’s customers are savvy. They know better than to trust empty promises, which is why case studies are so valuable. They provide compelling social proof that illustrates exactly what can be achieved with a particular product or service.

3CLogic cultivated a market-leading customer retention rate, but needed a way to boost its name recognition within the industry. Aimtal saw there was an opportunity to share those narratives with a larger audience. The customer stories 3CLogic had collected didn’t have much visibility, so Aimtal recommended reviving one of them as a downloadable guide that spoke to the impressive results one customer achieved with 3CLogic’s ServiceNow-centric voice solutions.

By creating a polished asset that prospects could download on a landing page featuring key data points, quotes, and eye-catching visuals, Aimtal was able to help 3CLogic show untapped audiences their key selling points and the incredible impact their solution has made. And because the landing page form integrated with 3CLogic’s marketing platform, everyone who requested a case study was automatically added as a lead. 


Elevating lead quality through a collaborative lead scoring process

3CLogic is always on the lookout for quality leads, but they needed help assessing which ones were ready for a sales call and which ones needed a bit more education. On top of that, 3CLogic was hosting website and marketing activities on HubSpot but conducting sales activities through Salesforce. This meant there was a huge need to optimize the Hubspot-Salesforce integration settings so that only qualified leads would be surfaced to the sales team.

Working closely with 3CLogic’s sales team, Aimtal stepped in both to document a lead scoring process and then build out the program with sophisticated HubSpot workflows that made it simpler to separate leads based on marketing engagement and sales-readiness.

Through close collaboration, Aimtal and 3CLogic successfully built a lead scoring program that optimized the HubSpot-Salesforce integration and clarified the customer journey across platforms, enabling the 3CLogic sales team to focus on the right leads.


Reaching new audiences with targeted ads

“Build it, and they will come” doesn’t apply to content — even if it’s well-executed. To reach leads where they are and at every stage of the funnel, Aimtal knew a multi-platform approach to advertising was key for amplifying 3CLogic’s story.

With a goal of driving audiences directly to 3CLogic’s website, Aimtal leveraged Google ads, building an array of niche keyword lists targeting high-volume search terms related to ServiceNow. This approach helped steadily grow 3CLogic website traffic quarter-over-quarter. 

Meanwhile, Aimtal saw an opportunity to share 3CLogic’s expertise by expanding its YouTube footprint with boosted YouTube video ads. With this new video tactic, Aimtal helped to grow 3CLogic’s YouTube presence and connect with an entirely new audience.

Additionally, to ensure that 3CLogic’s new case study ended up on the radars of new prospects, Aimtal created custom audiences on LinkedIn and Google that targeted members of the ServiceNow community. These ads leveraged key data points and language that spoke to common pain points to catch prospects’ attention and ultimately directed them to the landing page where they could download the case study. 


Nurturing leads via information-rich email campaigns

When a lead goes cold, it’s tempting to view them as a lost cause. But Aimtal’s marketing experts know that isn’t always true. In some cases, they just need a reminder of why your product is valuable to them.

To re-engage 3CLogic’s existing leads, Aimtal created a variety of email nurture campaigns tailored toward very specific audiences. One such campaign focused on those who use ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM). 

By providing further product education and other informational resources, Aimtal was able to encourage users to interact with email content and usher them toward booking a sales demo. 


Connecting with a niche audience on social media

Social media networks seem crowded, but Aimtal proved there’s plenty of space for those who want to connect with very specific markets. Aimtal’s approach entailed generating engagement with 3CLogic’s target audiences. 

By focusing on posts that promoted 3CLogic events, shared industry insights, offered educational tidbits, and encouraged interaction from 3CLogic’s employees and business partners, Aimtal established 3CLogic as a thought leader and grew its following considerably.

Social media was also a chance for the 3CLogic brand to expand. Over the years, Aimtal developed new branded templates and experimented with various post types, such as PDF carousels, animated GIFs, and interactive audiograms.

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